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    發(fā)布:bjstdlfd 瀏覽:1193次


    As environmental conditions have a great impact on the operation of diesel generators, there are a series of standard regulations for environmental requirements. The calibrated power of the diesel generator is for a specific environmental condition. The environmental condition refers to the ambient atmospheric pressure, temperature and relative humidity at the operating location of the diesel generator. They have an great impact on the performance and working efficiency of the diesel generator. 

    當環(huán)境大氣壓力降低、溫度升高和相對濕度增大時(shí),吸入柴油機汽缸內的干空氣就會(huì )減少,柴油機的功率就會(huì )降低。反之,柴油機的功率會(huì )增加。那么當環(huán)境溫度過(guò)低對當水箱冷卻水溫度過(guò)低時(shí),潤滑油溫度隨之下降,機油在氣溫較低時(shí)粘度較大,其流動(dòng)性變差,不僅增加柴油發(fā)電機組的零件磨損,而且由于零件運動(dòng)阻力增大,使機械功率損失增加,柴油發(fā)電機組的輸出功率就會(huì )降低。

    When the ambient atmospheric pressure decreases,the temperature increases, and the relative humidity increases, the dry air sucked into the cylinder of the diesel engine will decrease, and the power of the diesel engine will decrease. Conversely, the engine power will increase. Then when the ambient temperature is too low, when the temperature of the cooling water in the radiator is too low, the temperature of the lubricating oil will decrease accordingly. When the temperature is low, the viscosity of the oil will be higher and its fluidity will become worse. This will not only increase the wear of the parts of the generator, but also mechanical power loss because of the part movement resistance increased, and the output power of the  generator will decrease.